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Multiple Sclerosis Exercise Part 4

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So as a person living with MS, exercise can only benefit you. But what kind of exercises are you supposed to do if you have limitations?

Basically, just begin by doing whatever you can. The main thing is to do whatever you can do safely. Don't take unnecessary chances. Take all available precautions so you don't fall or otherwise hurt yourself. That would totally defeat the purpose.

Where to begin

If your fatigue or weakness is at a manageable level, you may be able to start out with an aerobically intense exercise routine. Especially if you have been doing this type of activity before your diagnosis. If and when the course of your MS progresses, you can adjust your program to meet your needs. A PT or physical therapist can help you set up a multiple sclerosis exercise program and revise it when the time comes.

Cir had been doing martial arts before he was diagnosed and he continued for quite a while after his diagnosis. So if you are already doing something, don't stop. You may need to slow down or change your routine depending on your symptoms.

We know of a man with MS who still works and runs everyday. Sometimes he can't run as far, however, other times he can do a full run. We know of several MSers who run marathons - they may be the last to finish, but they finish. If you can only run half a race, that's something.

Types of exercises

Here is a short list of exercises you may be able to do:

  • Yoga
  • Adaptive Tai Chi
  • Water Aerobics
  • Stretch Bands
  • Walking
  • Bicycling
  • Weight lifting
  • Pilates

All of these can be modified to fit your particular abilities. Some can be done sitting if you are unable to keep your balance. Also, there are so many more possibilities that you could come up with. This is just a short list of the exercises you can begin with.

How can you make your multiple sclerosis exercise program a positive one? One that you will want to continue doing for years to come.

  • Make sure that you are not overdoing it. 
  • No pain, no gain is not an MS mantra.
  • Pace yourself
  • Do something you like to do
  • Don't feel guilty about cutting your routine short
  • Rest when you need to
  • Start back up when you feel better
  • Join a group
  • Whatever you do, have fun

Needs some tips to help make exercise a part of your daily life? Click here to go to Part 5.

Go to Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, or Part 5.

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Cir & Akrista

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