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Strong and struggling

by Cd
(Miami, Florida)

I lost my job in May 2012 and my insurance. Thanks to MS Lifelines I still receive Rebif. My anxiety and depression are taking a toll on me and sleep has become a stranger. Florida could care less about their poor. How can I get my anti-anxiety & depression meds without insurance or money?

I really need help.


Hi Cd,

So sorry to hear about your situation. I've been living without insurance for about 5 years now. It's no fun worrying if I'll have enough money to even afford the reduced price meds I have now for HBP.

With a condition like MS, the stress from worrying about how you can still get your meds can make your MS worse. You don't need this.

One thing you can do is check out public assistance in your state. Medicaid is available for low-income families, however you usually have to have children. There's also sometimes a program in place called medicaid waiver for those with disabilities.

If you stopped working because of your MS, have you applied for disability yet? You may want to try this. This will allow you to have medicaid for the disabled. Also if you apply for SSI (supplemental security income), at the same time, you may be able to get monetary help as well as medicaid insurance.

Another thing you may want to do is check for programs like Access to Care. In Ohio this is not necessarily healthcare, but doctors on the program provide free care for patients like us who have no insurance or income.

There are also free clinics which may take a little research to find. If you have an InfoLine in your state, they might be your first place to look and ask questions.

Your other option would be to contact the makers of your medication. Look up the names and find out who manufactures them, then go to their website and find their financial assistance page. Call the number provided and explain your situation.

They may be able to provide the medication free of charge or at a significantly

reduced price until you are able to pay for it again. There may also be some programs like OhioRX that will also reduce the costs of your medication.

I get my medication at $4.00 per 30day supply (if you take more than 1/day the price may go up to say $8.00, but most times that's doable. Of course this depends on the number of medications you have. I only have 4 and one I cut in half so I only need to purchase it once every other month.

The drawback to this program, though, is that you have to make sure your medication is on the $4.00 list. Several times I've had to change prescriptions because the name brand would be there but the dosage would be wrong. Hopefully your doctor will know how to check the list and get it right the first time.

I hope all of this info has been helpful to you. I know it may seem like a lot to take in and deal with. If you need help, hopefully you have people around you who can help make phone calls, write things down, or do research.

It may not seem like it, but there are ways around a system that doesn't "care less about it's poor". Try looking up the Center for Independent Living for Florida. They are advocates for the disabled, and if nothing more, they should be able to point you in the right direction to get help.

Also, try contacting the South Florida National MS Society. (Links will open a new window.) They were very helpful in the beginning when Cir first stopped working.

With a family of four, we had to figure out how to keep going without any income. Public assistance may feel embarrassing, but sometimes you have to do what you need to do until you can figure out a way on your own.

Again, Cd, I hope some of this helps. Take care, and try not to worry. I know that's difficult given the circumstances.

Take care and if you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask.


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Sep 02, 2012
Re: re: strong and struggling
by: Cd

Thank you so much for your response. I have applied for SSI and disability and was denied. My lawyers are beginning the appeals process soon. I will check out the manufacturers pages for lexapro and trazodone.

Due to the stress I may need stronger meds and I will talk to my neuro about it asap. People often think that I am in a fighting mood because I am filled with so much anxiety and stress so they fight back. No one really bothers to research MS, they just act like I can control my way of being while off my meds.

Your page and the stories I have read tells me that I am not alone. A lifetime of THANKS for reaching out.

Oct 01, 2014
On the Streets Unexpectedly!
by: JoAnn Rideau-Harvey

What do you do when your apt. Mgr. sticks an evacuate the premises note on your door, without just cause!?! Stating that I complain too much about the maintenance coming into my apartment when I'm not at home! I wouldn't complain if it wasn't TRUE!

The other reason given was that I have too many vehicles parked in front of my apartment, when the man across the street has 4 in front of his! I've been over-billed on my H2O bill, as if I have a family, and it's Only me! So I have until 10/31/'14 to be Out! Lease renewal 10/2014! :(

Arlington,TX. Shadow Ridge Apartments. Any Advice!
(WITH A CREDIT OF $1034.42 + $ 350.00 PET DEPT.)
I'm a good neighbor! I don't bother anyone! I live alone! I know when things are out of order! 817/600-1911

Mar 19, 2015
So Sorry This Happened
by: Akrista

Hi JoAnn,
I'm so sorry this happened to you and I know it's been months since you posted this. Not sure what happened that I missed it.

What ever happened about the evacuation notice? Unfortunately, a landlord has the right to not renew a lease contract once the terms are up. This would have been the end of October for you. I know this is probably not what you wanted to hear, however, I think there may have been a problem with how he let you know. Did you get a notice in writing? If not, I'm sure that could have been a way to fight it. Again, I apologize for not answering this sooner.

Were you able to find another place or resolve the problem so you wouldn't have to?

We had a similar thing happen to us, where the landlord wanted to give the house we were renting to his son and fiancé who were getting married. Our lease was up, although he did give us an extra month to find another place.

If anyone ever runs into this type of situation in the future, I would suggest contacting legal aid in your area to see if there is anything you can do to legally stop something like this from happening. And if it turns out that you do have to move quickly, contact job and family services and see if there are programs which can help you relocate quickly.

If you belong to a church, talk to members to see if they can help as well. Another place that can help if you have MS is the National MS Society. They can give you advice on places to move that would accommodate you and if there is a way to fight it, as well.

Tri-County Independent Living Centers are advocates for people with disabilities if that's the case with you. United Way, Red Cross, may have resources for temporarily displaced people. I really hope you were able to stay in your home or at least not end up on the street.

If you are able to respond to this post, please let us know that you are okay.

Take care,

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