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Primary Demyelination

by Carol

After 2 years of being told by a Falls Clinic Doctor, I have had mini strokes 4 of them, without any scan proof My GP finally ordered a second MRI. I am now waiting to see a Neurologist, the first one I saw was very dismissive and explained away the several areas of increased signal intensity as ischemia

The second scan report - Multiple T2 hyperintensities in deep white matter of both cerebral hemispheres. Comparison with scan dated 25/11/11 shows a similar distribution, but with a change in appearance, with some more conspicuous and some less. The change and evolution since the previous scan are in keeping with primary demyelination.

Q: Is this Multiple Sclerosis?

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Mar 19, 2015
Yes, Possible MS
by: Akrista

HI Carol,
I looked up Primary Demyelination and found that one possible reason could be MS -

"Of greater interest, perhaps, are those pathological conditions in which inflammation is the consistent feature associated with the demyelination. These include the human demyelinating diseases such as acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, poly-ganglio-radiculo-neuritis, and possibly multiple sclerosis…" (http://jem.rupress.org/content/141/2/346.full.pdf)

I guess that about says it all, right? So I guess it could be. And then maybe not. Have you gotten any definitive answers since this post a couple years ago?

Hopefully you have gotten the answers to your questions. If so, give us an update.

Take care,

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Cir & Akrista

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