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Pain in Head

by Joann Highfield
(Eriksdale, MB. CANADA)

Like all with MS, I have problems with neurological pain in different parts of my body. There are not so bad ones and more severe ones. Lately though, I have been suffering from a pain in my head.

I checked with the Dr., and he says it is a pain spasm that runs up my neck and into the head, is there any one out there that has experienced this kind of pain??????????????

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Jul 15, 2011
Is it L'hermitte's Sign?
by: Anonymous

Your pain almost sounds like L'hermitte's sign, Joanne, just in the opposite direction than what it normally is. Did your doctor happen to mention that as the possible reason? I'd be interested in knowing what it is as well and if others have this symptom as well.

You can read more about it here - L'hermitte's Sign.

Also, I can imagine with the almost limitless geographical area of the brain and spine along which MS lesions can occur, the number of possibilities for symptoms to manifest themselves, can be mind boggling to someone studying the disease and equally, if not moreso, puzzling to those actually going through them. Which symptoms do you attribute to MS and which are the result of something entirely different?

It just goes to show that there is so much more to learn about multiple sclerosis. And also why it's so different from one person to the next.

Hope you are doing well otherwise.

Take care, Joanne.

Jun 07, 2012
Pain in Head
by: Pam Ball

To the person who wrote about the sharp pain in her head. I have a sharp, needle-like pain at the very top towards the front. Like where a baby has a soft spot. My neuro prescribed clonazapam and it keeps it at bay. Hope this helps.

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