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One White Spot...

by Jenn J.

in brain MRI, spinal fluid levels off...

So I was diagnosed two days ago after waiting a month. I woke up with nystagmus like symptoms in my eye which led to bells palsy for a week and then a trip to the neurologist.

He did the brain MRI and then next day because of the white spot they did a spinal tap and countless blood tests. They had me do the Iav solu medrol IV steroids which made me literally not want to move for anything for about six days.

I didn't eat, didn't sleep, didn't even want to play with my three year old, and I've never suffered from depression before.... After two weeks during my followup appointment he told me that all the blood tests were fine but my spinal fluid levels were off and along with the white spot and eye problem (that had gone away exactly a week after steroids), he believes I have MS and I should be starting Rebif in about a week or so.

I also just had a neck MRI and going in three days for a spine MRI. I guess my question is what do I do? I know I'm still in complete shock, feeling tons of anxiety....my husband and I haven't got along for almost two years now and of course this has to happen when I finally decide I want to leave.

All he said when I told him was "Well that's fun." My friends and family have been nothing but supportive though so for that I'm thankful. Help!

I'm worried about money...finishing school...(I'm only 25) and scared of what can happen. I've been trying to find some blogs of personal experiences but haven't had much luck finding similiar circumstances..... any input will be appreciated.

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Sep 16, 2012
Keep your head up!!
by: Heather

This website and Patients Like Me site are amazing! You will find so much support and love. You are definitely not alone. Hang in there! Many prayers for you and God bless :)

Sep 16, 2012
hang in there!
by: Cd

I feel your pain. I was diagnosed in my senior year of college (Dec 2011). This website, Can Do MS, and MS Lifelines are wonderful supporters. Having this issue doesn't mean life is over, it just means that your going to have to make some serious adjustments.

I'm still learning to cope. Positivity is what you have to surround yourself with. If your husband is not being empathetic and supportive then he has to go to continue with your plan on leaving him. If your family is supportive and your friends are supportive trust me they're going to help.

Don't be fooled; you will yell at them they will catch the third degree from you, but it's all because you can't help it. The medications will help but you will have to reach out also. We're here!

Sep 16, 2012
thank you!
by: Jenn J.

Thanks for your comments! It's good to feel not alone..., and I need to do some serious researching but I think that just scares me more. I still have to accept it...so hopefully I can stay positive and I'm definitely going to visit this page often. :)

Sep 16, 2012
personal outlet
by: Anonymous

If what you're looking for are personal stories and outreach go to shift.ms.com. I am also a member of this blog page and it is full of personal experiences of fellow MS'rs.

On that note, I was diagnosed at 24, I am now 35. MS isn't a death sentence but it will consume you if you let it. If your marriage is a source of extreme stress, which it sounds like it is, continue with your choice to leave. Stress is the cryptonite to MS.

Good luck! If you go to Shift, look me up, Cheryl77.

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