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Ocular Migraine?

by Karen
(Orchard Park, NY)

About a month ago I experienced a blind spot in my central vision as I was reading the newspaper. It kept getting larger then I started seeing flashes of light and like lightning zig zags. This went on for about half an hour to 45 minutes. I could not see out of my left eye at all.

So I put my trusty eye patch on that I used most of last summer due to orbital inflammatory pseudotumor of the right eye. Never been diagnosed with MS but have a list of other symptoms that come and go. Could this latest problem be an additional symptom of possible MS?


Hi Karen,
The symptom you are describing could be optical neuritis, however, the only way you will know for sure is by seeing a neurologist. It could be anything. I had a similar experience years ago, but it just went away on its own, so I never pursued it.

Not saying that that was the right thing to do, however. I didn't have any other symptoms at the time, but my father had just passed so I chalked it up to stress. I've never had it happen again.

You do have other symptoms that may or may not be related to your eye episode. The only way you will know for sure, as I said before, is to get checked out by a neurologist or doctor.

Write down all the symptoms you have and when you have them so that you don't forget anything when you get there. Tell your primary care doctor, GP, or family doctor what you have been feeling. If they suspect anything more, they should refer you to a neurologist.

If they don't, you may want to get a second opinion, especially if the symptoms you describe are bothersome.

Like I said, the eye problem may be MS, but it could also be caused by any number of other things. And it's best to find out what caused it. It could be something more serious than MS.

Hope this helps,

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Nov 29, 2012
ocular migraine
by: Anonymous

What you have is an ocular migraine. I get them mostly in the summer. They pass usually in a few minutes. They are common to anybody - not just pwms (people with ms).

Nov 30, 2012
more surprises
by: Karen

I have an appt with my neuro ophthalmologist in two weeks to follow up on my pseudotumor of the right eye which I had in 2011. I'll see what she has to say about my latest event. Thanks for the comment!

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