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MS and Falls

by Cheryl

I recently had a slip and fall, one week into steroid therapy for an exacerbation. I stopped making progress about the same time. I was wondering if the fall halted my recovery or if it's coincidental? Any input would be appreciated.

Thank you.

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Jun 28, 2011
Could Falls Worsen MS Symptoms
by: Akrista

Hi Cheryl,

The fall could be indirectly the cause of your halted progression. Any time you have some type of trauma in your life, it usually equals ?stress?. Stress, as you know, is not good for MS. It may seem to be coincidental, but it probably has a lot to do with stress than anything else.

Emotional stress or physical stress causes the body to react in certain ways in order to deal with it. Some of the results of stress on the body are increased blood pressure, circulating blood sugar levels, and a less-effective immune system. So a fall could add to the stress you are already experiencing in your life due to living with multiple sclerosis.

Although falling is much less stressful than the loss of a loved one, for example, it can still cause some of the same results. So it quite possibly could have caused your symptoms to worsen or stop the progression of your steroid treatment.

Hope this helps.

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