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Five white blobs in brain

by Carol
(Penzance Cornwall UK)

Hi it's Carol from Penzance Cornwall.

I went to see doctor for results of MRI. He showed me the scan pic with 5 white spots on brain and thin myelin but didn't seem to think I needed to be referred to a neurologist.

I would like a neurologists opinion of the scan because the doctor I saw is a falls clinic doctor, which is why I was referred in first place. I feel more anxious now because he seemed so dismissive.

I also have a blurry nerve and pressure behind my left eye with aching pain and have to see an opthalmologist for this. I would value your opinion greatly.

Thank you,


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Jan 11, 2012
Referral to Neurologist
by: Akrista

Hi Carol,

It's looking more like MS, especially with the white spots from the MRI. Is this doctor the only one who can refer you? Will your insurance let you get a second opinion?

Hopefully the opthalmologist will be able to make a referral after seeing you. The eye symptoms along with the MRI results may be enough for him/her to make it.

Do you have your MRI's to take with you to the opthalmologist? If you can get them, that may help as well.

Please try not to stress out to much over this. I know that's hard to do, but if you do have MS, stress is the last thing you need right now.

Talking to someone close to you may help. Or doing whatever you usually do to relieve stress - meditating, listening to music, exercising, etc.

Also, do you take any vitamins? When Cir first started having warning signs that he might have MS, he was working in a health food store. He did a little research and started taking B 100 Complex and has been taking them ever since.

Vitamin D3 is also good for MSers (and others - I take it as well) 6000 to 8000 mg is a good place to start. Cir's neurologist suggested that he, as well as our children and grandchildren take sufficient amounts of this vitamin. In his practice he has found that most of the MSers he sees have very low amounts of vitamin D when tested.

As I said earlier, I know it's hard to not worry and stress out over this, but try. If it does turn out that you do have MS, you will need to get in the habit of doing this any way. So start now. It can only help in the long run.

Take care,


Jan 11, 2012
Five white blobs in brain
by: Carol

Thank you so much for your comments, advice and encouragement. I will be back.


Jan 12, 2012
Follow Akrista's advice!!! She's Right!
by: Robert Thompson

and Be Proactive with your Treatment

Hello, just stay positive, and be Proactive with any health issues you have! Follow Akrista's excellent advice!! Whatever your diagnosis outcome is, Be proactive! And, whatever the treatment is, keep in mind, more than likely, there will be things you can do yourself to aid the treatment.

There are all kinds of online resources that can be helpful. I have learned alot right here, on this site. And whatever the diagnosis is, you should always educate yourself and learn as much as you can about the ailment. It will help in your treatment!

Good Luck, Sincerely,

Robert Thompson

Jan 19, 2012
Five White Blobs in Brain
by: Carol

The Falls Clinic doctor I have been seeing said that it is normal for a person to have one blob per decade and that the five I have is more than normal. I don't understand this at all, surely it can't be normal for people to have these in the brain for no reason. Are there any other conditions or diseases that cause white blobs in brain?

I have asked my GP to refer me to a neurologist for a second opinion, which hopefully she has done, the problem in the UK is the waiting time for an initial appointment. It could be three months before I even get to see him.
Does anyone have any information please?


Jan 19, 2012
Thank you Robert
by: Carol

Thank you, Robert Thompson, for your support.


Aug 31, 2012
White spots and myelin
by: Anonymous

The white spots on your brain are most likely water that has "leaked" out of thinning myelin around your nerves.
Myelin is an insulator that speeds up neurological activity, when it thins or depletes, it begins to leak...this is what's showing up on the MRI. MS is the first thing people suspect because it's the most debilitating and severe. However, there are other reasons this can exist, such as autoimmune disease and BD.
Good Luck.

Aug 31, 2012
Evoked Potentials
by: Carol

Thank you for your comments. I had the evoked potential tests yesterday and hope the results will help towards a diagnosis.

May 23, 2013
I am so frightened
by: Dottie

I have been having symptoms of confusion, memory loss, feelings of mental cloudiness, headaches, muscle pain, and weakness, and other seemingly neurological problems. Finally was sent for an MRI which showed large white spots in my brain.

I am going for a spinal tap tomorrow to help with a possible diagnosis of MS. I am so frightened of becoming wheelchair bound, I guess I am afraid of the unknown I have been reading up on MS and scared of taking MEDs that may make me feel worse than I already do. I am in so much pain physically and emotionally.

Where can I look for help in understanding MS?

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