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Compound drug called 'LDN"

by Don Harrington
(Scottsdale, az)

Does anyone know or can comment on its effectiveness?


Hi Don,
Sorry for the delay in getting to your question. There are several people who have visited and contributed to this site about their experiences with LDN. We also have a page about it because Cir used it for several years and is now back on it after stopping for months.

When he was on it for the first time, he had no exacerbations for the several years he was taking it. We had financial problems and couldn't afford to purchase it for awhile. During those months that he didn't take it, he had several really bad episodes which caused him to progress to the point he is now.

He's still walking, but with more difficulty than before, but nonetheless, still walking. He uses a walker, but most times uses an electric wheelchair or scooter. He feels better now that he is back on it and notices the difference if he misses a day or two.

With LDN, it depends on when you start the treatment. If you have some disability, those may not go away completely, but it does stop the progression and exacerbations significantly from that point. Some have actually felt like they did "get better" in terms of being able to walk again and things like that.

The studies that are going on now with LDN will hopefully lead to insurance companies covering the cost which is actually nominal in comparison to most other MS treatments. $30 - $40 per month is not a huge amount if it helps to stop your MS in it's tracks.

After I post your question, I am sure others will jump in and share their experiences with LDN. And this should help you decide whether or not to try it or continue it if you are taking it.

Take care and I hope this helps.


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Jul 06, 2012


Dec 28, 2014
by: Don Harrington

On Face book there are 2 LDN user groups

1. Users of Low Dose Naltrexone

2. LDN Research Trust-Low Dose Naltrexone : 8,000 members and incredible amount of research links.

You can get so much info even from this past LDN Research Conference in Vegas conducted by Doctors from Harvad etc.

While I cannot say that this drug will work for everyone , it should be a consideration in their MS fight. It has done wonders foe me after 85 days

And it costs less then $2.00 a pill if you don't have insurance.

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