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Brain Fog comes with STRESS!

by Stacy

Recently graduated from RR M.S.(relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis) to Secondary Progressive. Biggest symptom seems to be complete cognitive short-circuiting, whenever anything stressful or even mildly stressful comes along...i.e., having a group meeting at my home.

Just the thought of cleaning and trying to make my home look nice -- feels overwhelming! Yes, I could hire a maid service, BUT -- just the thought of cleaning up BEFORE the maids get here - wipes me out?!

This is ridiculous! I wish my brain would realize that these "things" are really nothing to worry about!

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Sep 28, 2013
Has anyone seen that program member games?
by: Anonymous

Has anyone seen that program member games? On T.L.S channel do you Think that could help with ms fog.

Nov 09, 2011
Brain Fog + Stress = MS
by: Akrista

Hi Stacy,
You seem to have a good attitude about your MS symptoms, and that's a good thing when dealing with a condition like this. Being able to laugh at yourself or what happens as a result of your symptoms is one thing that helps many MSers make it through their days in one piece.

Too bad our brains can't figure it out - but then we probably wouldn't ever get things like multiple sclerosis.


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