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Feb 12, 2013
Bee Therapy
by: Kara

Hi Arshad,

What Akrista said seems to be right. In the UK my partner has only found 1 person that will train them to to use the bees on me as we have gone completely stupid and it's classed as assault if someone else does it. The line you are on seems to be right from what we have read.

I am having my allergy test tomorrow and I must say I cannot wait to start, but i do believe it can take a few months before the results can be felt. I just hope for all MS sufferers this is it and this will be what we have been seeking and we all start to feel even the littlest relief (that would be a triumph)

Good luck

Jan 11, 2012
How Long for Results
by: Anonymous

Hi Arshad,

Forgot to answer your question about how long before you see results.

I've heard that some see results right away especially when the problem is something more direct, like pain. For others it may take awhile, especially when you're talking about something like MS and you've been diagnosed for many years.

You may notice little things at first, like less weakness, for instance. Or clearer vision. Gradual changes or improvements over a period of weeks or months until you realize you are able to do something that you couldn't do at all.

One of the things that they suggested Cir do as well, was to make a food diary. Write down everything he ate for about a month. At the same time, write down how he felt after eating. Read this diary after a month and see if there are times when you eat certain things, you get worse.

This may mean you have a sensitivity to certain foods and may need to avoid them. We learned this strategy from the bee sting people and it has helped, even though Cir doesn't do bee stings anymore.

This, along with the bee stings may help you to feel better as the weeks, months, and years go by. Let us know how it goes.

Take care,


Jan 11, 2012
About Bee Sting Treatment
by: Akrista

Hi Arshad,

It has been awhile since Cir had bee sting treatment, but I will try and remember how his treatment went. You seem to have a good plan so far with the stings along your spine and the weaker parts of your body.

The weaker parts should correspond to the areas you are having problems with. And the stings along your spine - that is also what they did when Cir got his stings. They started at the bottom and each week worked their way up to his neck.

They went in sections if I remember correctly - lower back one week, mid back, then upper back. They did a few in his neck and wanted to continue up to his head. He has been wearing a bald head and the stings were leaving marks, so he opted out of the head stings.

He also got stings in his right leg/hip area because that is his weaker side. I can't remember if he got any in his right arm or hand - those are also weaker.

The plan you outlined seems right in line with what he was getting so you are on the right track. As far as how long to sting - they usually left the bees stinger in until they stopped pulsing. This was to make sure all the venom went in your body and you got the maximum results.

Hope this helps and hope you get good results from your treatment. They wouldn't let Cir do the bee stings himself until he had gone through the initial training period. Only he didn't make it that far.

Take care and let us know how it goes,


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