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Meet Tasha Osborn!

Tasha Osborn Interview

Meet the owner of the website - Still a Woman. What's that you ask? Well you'll have to read the interview of Tasha Osborn to find out. She's a wonderful and tireless example of a person who is living her life in spite of MS.

Tasha has great advice for everyone living with MS. Also, be sure and visit her site. Her enthusiasm and zest for life will probably rub off on you just as it did me. I'm sure you'll come away with something helpful and inspirational just as I did.

Without further ado, here's the interview. Enjoy! 

Interview with Tasha Osborn

Question 1: Hi Tasha, thanks for sharing your time with us today. Please introduce yourself to our visitors who may not be familiar with you, and use this opportunity to tell us where we can find you on the web as well as any projects you are working on.

Thank you so much for having me! My full name is Tasha Osborn. I’m a New York City native, but I currently reside in Georgia.

I had a website - Still a Woman. Initially, its objective was to uplift women living with Multiple Sclerosis and other illnesses, however, men are a part of it and so very welcome! How can they not be? Our struggle is their struggle. I also have a radio show on Blog Talk Radio every other Saturday at 6:00PM. The website is: Mocha Soul. Lastly, I am working on my first book.

Question 2: You have several things going on. Do you also work outside the home and do the affects of MS (fatigue, weakness, or other symptoms) limit how much you can do?

Yes, I am a Federal Counselor for ex-offenders. I assist them in transitioning back into society after being released from the prison system. My work days are long and extremely busy. Seriously, if there are symptoms, I don’t have time to cater to them. Now that’s real. Don’t get me wrong, there are days when I’m dragging and have to just stop! But for the most part I am pretty resilient.

Question 3: When were you diagnosed? What type of MS do you have? And what medicines or alternative treatments do you take to treat it?

I was diagnosed, in 2001, with relapse-remitting multiple sclerosis. I take Avonex, once a week.

Question 4: Are you married and do you and your husband have or plan to have children? Or have you decided not to because of your MS?

This upcoming August is our fifth year wedding anniversary. We don’t have any children, however, we do not rule out the possibility.

Question 5: Has your relationship grown closer as a result of you being diagnosed with MS? What advice would you give to other couples who deal with MS?

Our relationship has definitely grown closer! But, honestly, my husband has been so supportive from the beginning. One day, while we were dating, I told him I had something to tell him. Then I started crying. I was too afraid to tell him that I had MS.

I told him I had an illness and started to describe some of my symptoms. Then he asked me, "Do you have multiple sclerosis?" His response startled me, and I cried even harder. He didn’t blink or waver. As clear as day, he said, "I’m not going anywhere."We’ve been together ever since. He was there when I injected my first shot of Avonex.

Question 6: How have your family and friends taken the fact that you have MS? Are they supportive as well? Do any of your other family members have MS?

My family is very supportive; however, because I refused to speak about it in the beginning, it’s not easy for them to ask me certain questions. It is certainly getting easier, though. I have a distant cousin who has MS. She’s had it for some years.

Question 7: Mobility problems sometimes limit the amount of things you can do when you have MS. What kinds of things do you do for fun? Or are there things you used to do that you still wish you could do?

I’m pretty much able to do everything as always, thank God. I am a workaholic. And I know that is not good, however, in my spare time I read; I work on my website and radio show, as well as my book.

Question 8: What is the best piece of advice you can share with those who have multiple sclerosis? And is this something you wish you had known when you were first diagnosed with MS?

The best piece of advice I can share with those who have multiple sclerosis is that your life is not over. God trusted you with this task because He knows you can handle it. And He knew you were capable of using it for good.

Sure, it is not easy, but nothing in life is. Monitor your eating habits, exercise and be honest about your story. Your honesty may very well change someone’s life; someone’s perspective.

When I was diagnosed, I refused to accept or even talk about it. And, yes, I wish I was aware that my life wasn’t over; that I had a lot more living to do. In retrospect, I wasted so much time being grim and angry.

But God never let me quit, though. Even though I was in denial, I still achieved some goals that make me extremely proud. I finished college and went to graduate school. I also married my best friend.

Question 9: We thank you so much, Tasha, for your time and would like to leave this last question open for you to share anything else you'd like with our visitors.

Being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis is not a death sentence. Use this opportunity (yes, I said opportunity!) to embrace taking care of yourself in every way: mentally, physically and spiritually. And don’t be afraid to set goals. You have every right. Tomorrow is not promised, so live harder and definitely love harder. God bless!

Tasha Osborn

Thanks again Tasha, for sharing with us and giving us a little peak into your world. This was a very enjoyable interview. What a busy woman! Let us know when you finish your book ;)

If you would like to leave a comment or for Tasha, use the form below. She would love to hear from you!

We wish you and your family all the best, Tasha.

If you'd like to listen to her radio show (earlier shows are about MS), here is the player. 

Want to read more interviews?

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