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Recently diagnosed

by Britt

Hi Montel,

I've just been diagnosed with RRMS. I was looking at the medications the other night and the side effects scare me. I was just wondering if you were taking anything to manage MS, and if you are, what is it? Also, is there much you can do to prevent yourself from going into relapses?

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Mar 26, 2019
Scary Side Effects
by: Akrista

Hi Britt,

This isn't Montel, however, I'd like to jump in with a few thoughts about your concerns. First of all, about side effects. I agree they are scary. Several of the medications Cir has taken in the past and some that he takes now, have side effects that, at first, caused him to not want to take them.

One of them, Tysabri, took awhile to get to a point where the medication wouldn't cause some people to develop PML, a devastating brain infection. He now takes it and is monitored very closely, (every few months they do blood work), to make sure he's not at risk for developing the disease.

This is just one example, however, there are many more such examples with side effects that seem to mimick multiple sclerosis. I suppose you have to weigh the pros and cons of each medication to help you decide which ones, if any to take.

Some MSers choose not to use any of the treatments available for MS and instead use diet, exercise, supplements, and other alternatives to treat their disease as well as the symptoms that MS causes. You, along with your doctors, family, and case manager, should talk about the treatments available and decide what you feel comfortable with.

If you feel that your doctors and others aren't listening to your concerns, then it may be better to find people who are more supportive and who will work with you to find ways of treating your MS that are acceptable to you. There are many to choose from, and there is nothing that says you need to continue to take them if the side effects prove to be too much.

Cir uses a combination of alternatives and traditional MS treatments to control the progression of multiple sclerosis. Some things, like vitamin B 100, he has been taking since day one. Whenever he lapses in taking it, he can feel the difference.

These are a few thoughts that I hope will help you to decide whether or not to move forward and try some of the MS treatments or look into alternative medications instead. Or try a combination of both.

I'll weigh in about your other concerns at a later time.

Take care,


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