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Potty Mouth - MS Book Review

A woman disabled with multiple sclerosis bravely meets life's challenges with courage, wisdom and a profane sense of humor.

Potty Mouth by Renae Clare is not a book for the faint of heart. If you have issues with people who use profanity, then you may not want to read Renae's account of her life with MS. If that's the case, you will be missing one of the most honest and heartfelt personal accounts of what it's like to live with this disease that I've read in a long time.

I have both the paperback and Kindle versions of this book and would recommend them both. The Kindle version is especially useful if you have trouble with your vision. You can make the type bigger or have it read to you.

Potty Mouth - a good read

Renae Clare - Potty MouthRenae Clare

Why is this a good read? Renae tells it like it is. Simple. She holds nothing back. From the very first chapter, you are thrown into her world where she struggled to deal with the baggage of a past abusive relationship by writing about it. This book is about finally getting to the point where she could seek out a therapist to help her get herself back. 

Her doctor, Dr. Cinzia Levalds, writes the forward to the book and has this to say about Renae:

"Have you ever met another person and suddenly, inexplicably felt as though you were standing under a beam of sunlight? That's what it's like to meet Renae. Even though she came to me to heal, even while depressed, the warmth of her personality broke through clearly. There was a resilience there that was almost palpable, a strength that was, although clear to me, still amorphous and fleeting to her."

And the book is not just about her life with MS, although a big part of it, multiple sclerosis is not the main reason she wrote it. According to Dr. Cinzia, it is "...one woman's journey toward self-healing; it is about courage and strength; and it is about how, in the face of anything, the human spirit is capable of persevering."

At times difficult to read

Like I said, from the first chapter you may be tempted to ask yourself, "why did I buy this book". I promise you, if you stick with it, you will see Renae triumph through her words. You will see her pour her soul out onto the pages and you will reach the other side along with her - inspired by her strength and courage. 

Her goal in publishing her essays is to not only help herself, but to help others who may be struggling to get through similar obstacles. She has lived with MS for more than 40 years, so knows a thing or two about the debilitating symptoms one can face with multiple sclerosis. 

Her humorous accounts of how she deals with paralysis, fatigue, depression, and pain will have you laughing and crying, as you relate to her life long experiences.

Potty Mouth - 49 chapters, 295 pages - of life

I love books like this because they pull you in and you are never the same afterward. If you have MS, you can definitely relate. If you live with someone who has MS, you can also relate. And if you want to find out what life is like for someone who lives with multiple sclerosis - this is it.

Thank you, Renae.

You can find Renae on Twitter - @renaeclare

And you can find reviews about the book here on Goodreads.

Go from Potty Mouth back to Book Reviews.

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