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New relationship/new diagnosis

by Dana
(Mentone, Indiana)

Although I had been experiencing symptoms for years prior, I was diagnosed with MS on August 28th, 2012. It had been one week more than a year since deciding to leave my abusive husband and starting a new life with my long, lost love...leaving Pa. and moving here to Indiana to join my boyfriend.

We've HAD struggles, his late wife had died of cancer in 09, and the financial problems were many. We struggled in every way possible, but we succeeded, at least so far. In July of last year, my boyfriend was in a work related accident which required surgery on Aug 2nd, the same day as the dreaded spinal tap I was having done.

We couldn't be there for one another. I had already had the blood work and MRI , which led to the final stage of diagnosis, the spinal. As my boyfriend was still in early recovery, he was laid up until December, I was called by my neurologist with "the news". I had decided in 09 when my mother died, as did my boyfriend, although I didn't know it at the time, that the last part of my life would be as good as the first part had been bad, or even better. We had both struggled all our lives and have very similar pasts.

When we got together again, it had been twenty years since we had briefly dated, so there WAS some speculation as to whether or not our relationship would last. More hesitation on my part than his...I was leaving everything I had known for the past 22 years.

When the diagnosis was final, I asked my boyfriend again and again if this was too much for him to handle...if he wanted me

to leave. He assured me he could handle whatever came at us and he did NOT want me to leave. I was put on Copaxone, my therapy of choice and have been taking it ever since.

I've had one month of pretty clear thinking, almost symptom-free, but the rest of the time, I've had symptoms and difficulties which seem to be getting worse. I know I'm much more fortunate than many of you. I'm not crippled or in much pain....but my thinking, memory and forgetfulness, a type of mild dyslexia when typing....I'm being very careful today, and tiring and left-side of my body being much more affected than my right, and being left-handed, I do become frustrated.

My boyfriend doesn't like having to repeat himself and sometimes feels I'm just not listening to him. ETC, etc....there are many other ways MS is affecting me and most of the symptoms, I can keep to myself and not hinder my boyfriend with complaints. However, I have many other health issues as well. After what he went through with his wife, I do NOT want to be a burden, and he assures me I'm not....but who knows where the disease will lead us? there really is no prognosis at this point for me.

IS there for ANYBODY with MS? I'm tired now and need to end this post...however, I want to add that my boyfriend found this site. He wants to help me. There are NO meetup MS groups in this entire state and I have driving issues, so I plan to start my own meetup asap here locally, if I'm able. I also want to add how thankful I am for this site...and for being a member.

We CAN live in spite of MS!

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Cir & Akrista

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