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Netwriting Masters Course

What will you find in the 
Netwriting Masters Course? 
Want to Sell More on the Net?...
Change the Process to Change the Results!

Want to sell more on the Net? Write better. The power is in your words!

Unfortunately, at least 98% of small business sites start "at the end"... the sale.

Great Netwriting is actually far more than writing great sales copy.

Before you write to sell, take an order and ship a product...

You need traffic. PREsold traffic.

And sales copy does not do that.

That is why effective Netwriting is really a two-step process. This requires two different kinds of writing...

  1. Write to PREsell.
  2. Then, and only then, write to SELL.

Now for the good news... you can do this. How? By taking The Netwriting Masters Course. It is the only book about Netwriting that covers both PREselling and Selling (every other book on Netwriting focuses only on writing to sell -- this itself is a reflection of that "starting-at-the-end" philosophy).

And now for the best news of all...The Netwriting Masters Course is free!

Effective Netwriting (i.e., the kind that generates income) is indeed something that anyone can accomplish. There is nothing magical or complicated about it. And you don't need an English degree or be a literary genius to do it. But you do need to make the critical offline-to-online business mind-shift from "location, location, location" to...

Information, information, information

Surfers on the Net are not looking for you or your business. People search for information and solutions. So give them what they want. Well before you make your first sale, provide the information (i.e., high value content) that people are searching for, in a way that the Search Engines like. Create content that over-delivers what your visitors seek.

Most small businesses fail on the Net because they prepare to sell and collect money, before they have provided what their visitors are searching for (information). These small business owners build a Web site to sell and somehow figure that traffic will just show up and be willing to buy or hire immediately.

Wrong thinking... wrong process... no results! It's like pushing a string. You have to pull instead... pull targeted visitors into your site.

Let's summarize these four simple steps...

  1. Create the information that your prospective customers want
  2. Attract targeted traffic at the Search Engines
  3. PREsell your visitors -- build confidence (people buy from those they trust).
  4. Convert traffic to dollars -- sell (whatever that may be... hard goods, e-goods, services, even clicks on Google ads).

As you can see, the first three steps involve a completely different kind of Netwriting. Write to deliver what humans want... information. And write for two audiences, the Search Engine spiders and the humans. That's what effective PREselling is all about!

To date, all the attention about writing-for-the-Net focuses on only one of the four key steps, the last one. Yes, that last one is an important one (it can literally triple sales... or destroy all your good efforts if you write terrible sales copy).

But sales copy only gets a chance to shine after your PREselling content gets the first three steps "right/write."

Join the "Top 2%" on the Net. PREsell with information-packed content, then sell with benefit-focused sales copy, smoothly converting your visitors into customers. This "1-2" power strategy is the core to building traffic and earning income on the Net.

Right thinking... right process... profitable results!

You can do the same.

Get your Netwriting Masters Course Now

Click here to download the free course.

You are about to download a pdf file ("NetwritingMasters.pdf"). Save it to your desktop. After you have downloaded, double-click it to open.

The goal of The Netwriting Course is to help you write better so that ultimately you can sell more. It shows you how to use the right words with the right process... how to pull targeted visitors into your site, PREsell them... then, and only then, sell.

Change the process to change the results and start building your traffic and income today.

Click here to download the free Netwriting Masters Course.

Want more FREE downloadable courses? Go here.

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Cir & Akrista

You are reading original content written by Akrista or Cir L'Bert of Life in Spite of MS. If you enjoyed reading this blog, please consider following us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. See you there!

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