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MS Chat Rooms

ms chat rooms

Having MS chat rooms available, we know from experience, is something that can mean the difference between staring at four walls all day or living in almost total isolation for many of those with multiple sclerosis. We know this because, for Cir, they have been a godsend. 

We do have a forum - The LISOMS Network, and there's a chat room there as well. It has not been very active however and we may have to close it down soon because we think it's been upgraded to a paid subscription site, so stay tuned for more news on that. We do have a Life in Spite of MS Facebook page if you'd like to head over there and we may eventually turn it into an actual group if the interest is there. Maybe contact us to let us know if that's something you'd like us to do.

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A blessing in disguise

Many of you may know this already from reading our story. Cir went from one day being an active member in the workforce, to having nothing to do and no one to talk to (besides me and our kids), for the entire day. Thankfully one of his sales positions had been in electronics. Way before he stopped working, we had been introduced to computers and the internet.

He learned the ins and outs of the internet with Prodigy and AOL (I know we're dating ourselves here, lol) so from an early age, our children have had this technology in their lives. We learned right along with them and even I jumped in with both feet and eventually learned how to use the computer to make a little extra money on Ebay!

It's a small world

The internet has linked us all in such a way that we are no longer isolated from the world. Through the internet, the world has become a smaller place. A place where people who, in years past, would have never known one another or even been able to connect to each other. Besides chat rooms, now we have YouTube, Instagram, TicToc...., need I go on? 

The chat room, and specifically MS chat rooms, are places where people like you with a disability, can find others like yourselves. A place where you can share tips on how you cope day to day, the medicines you take, and how you live life in spite of your MS. 

In an MS chat room you can choose to meet daily or as often as you are able. But the best thing about them, is the fact that you have somewhere to go. Even if it is online. I know that a chat room might be a little dated, and other social media platforms may work better for some of us, however, if you can find one, it's nice to have a specific place to hang out with other MSers.

Out and bed-bound

ms chat room

For those who still want to work, but work outside the home is not possible because of MS, computers and a work at home position may be the perfect solution. An MS chat room is a good place to start. It can help you find out what others are doing who are in similar situations as you. It's a good place to ask questions and find answers that relate to your particular circumstances.

In addition to our chat room, below is a list of some very good chat rooms that have been around for awhile. Cir was a moderator for one awhile ago and helped start another. He has since stepped down from a management position and occasionally keeps in touch with the people he met there. We'd welcome any additions you'd like to share with us, since a few of them have closed down. 

We urge you to check out our Facebook page (which as I mentioned earlier, we may turn into a group at some point). We usually add posts to updates from our blog there. And please, share any interesting items that may be of help to our visitors.

You are welcome to add posts from other pages or ask questions you might have. You don't need to live in isolation if you aren't able to move about like you did in the past. Reach out and connect with others. We'll all benefit from sharing with one another.

If you've reached the bottom, here's the list of other forums and chat rooms we found that are still available. Enjoy!

Other MS Chat Rooms

Go from MS Chat Rooms to What's New.

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Cir & Akrista

You are reading original content written by Akrista or Cir L'Bert of Life in Spite of MS. If you enjoyed reading this blog, please consider following us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. See you there!

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