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Get Listed in Our MS Directory Today!

Welcome to the MS Directory Page
for MS Blog, Website, and Shop Owners!

You've found the MS Directory @ Life in Spite of MS

  • Calling all MS Blogs, Websites, and Shops!!!
  • Thousands of MSers are visiting our website everyday looking for other MSers just like you.
  • If YOU were HERE, they'd be visiting your blog or website right now!

You are cordially invited to add your blog, website, or shop to the best directory on the web! Be among the first to list in our directory pages and enjoy the benefit of reaching thousands of visitors every month. We receive 30,000+ visitors per month and that number is steadily growing.

When visitors come to our site everyday, they would love to find and support other MSers who have blogs, websites, or shops. We anticipate that our directory search page will soon become one of the top most visited pages on our website. For this reason, you should get on board now to take advantage of our ever growing traffic.

Now you can reach this market with your own Listing Page in our directory. With three options to choose from so far -- and two of them are free - you've nothing to loose!Join us now and be among the first to be listed in the best Multiple Sclerosis directory on the web!

Available Listing Options

Click on one of the links below for more information 
and to list your blog, website, or shop

  • Basic Listing
  • Linked Listing
  • Enhanced Linked Listing

  • BASIC LISTING OPTIONS Basic Listing Linked Listing Enhanced Linked Listing
    COST FREE FREE $4/mo or $40/yr
    WORDS Up to 400 Up to 400 Unlimited
    PHOTO/BANNER 1 (One) 1 (One) Up to 4
    FREE Updates YES YES YES
    LIVE WEBSITE LINK NO YES (with reciprocal link) YES (with reciprocal link)

    What makes this directory so different than all the others?

    • One, it's searchable. Visitors can find you without having to click or scroll through alot of categories. They can type in the name of your blog, website, or shop, and quickly find you.
    • (NOTE: If enough requests are made, we can also add geographical listings. Visitors will then be able to type in their city and/or state and find you in the geographical listings).
    • Two, you will get a full page where you can showcase your blog, website, or shop. There's plenty of room for everything you'd like to include. You can even add one photo or your logo at no additional charge. With an Enhanced Listing you have even more benefits available for a very reasonable fee.
    • Three, even if you don't have a website, don't worry. Your listing will give you an instant web presence on a rapidly growing, niche website. And if you're already online, your listing will act as a billboard pulling visitors right to your shops website.
    • Four, your customers will find you and visit your website or shop. They can then come back and leave a comment or testimonial about their experience. This way future visitors to your listing will feel confident visiting your shop because they can see that you have satisfied customers.
    • And last but not least, five. Because social networking is such a big thing now, they are included with every Listing Page.

    You'll be able to get your Listing and your blog, website, or shop, noticed easily and quickly. Scroll down and click to Tweet or click to post on Facebook! It's that simple!!

    I don't know about you, but this is the perfect WIN, WIN situation!

    Dear Friends,

    "Life in Spite of MS is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. We're also part of the Ebay Partner Network, another affiliate program."

    We'd also like you to know it doesn't cost one cent more  when you click through the links here on our blog. Not one single penny. And we will make a little extra cash when you do click through. We'll be ever so appreciative. You also have our word that we'll only link to things that we would use ourselves, (or wish we could have or use).


    Cir & Akrista

    You are reading original content written by Akrista or Cir L'Bert of Life in Spite of MS. If you enjoyed reading this blog, please consider following us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. See you there!

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