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Looking for Hope

by Holly

My name is Holly, and my sister’s name is Cassie.

My sister is 18 years old, and I am 20 years old. We are both home schooled.

My father has had Progressive-Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis for over 15 years that we know of, and at times it can be most difficult to live with. He is only 49 years old.

He is unable to go outside, shopping, to work, see his grandchildren or anything else that would require him to stand or walk any more, and has not been able to for over 5 years.

He has never been able to be treated for Multiple Sclerosis because we do not have the funds to afford the many tests it takes to be “officially” diagnosed, and even if he was, we do not have the funds to pay for the treatment itself.

My father is a former Pastor he had to resign from Pastoring due to health issues 7 years ago, that was also when my mother suffered her first mental attack and we had to move.

When my father resigned from Pastoring and we moved, it was necessary for us to cut off all contact with anyone that went to our church, so that the new Pastor would be able to take his place as Pastor without any interference. Since then we have kept to ourselves for the most part. Partly due to the fact that we have had to move 4 times since then and partly because of my father’s illness.

It takes over $65,000.00 dollars a year to care for someone with MS properly, and we have never been able to care for my father properly.

I have been my Dads personal caretaker sense I was 13 years old, I am now 20 years old and will continue to be for as long as he needs me.

My younger sister has taken care of all the household duties sense she was 12 years old, she is now 18.

As with most people that have a terminal illness, there are times that he wished his life on this earth would come to an end. I cannot blame him for feeling this way. After all, there are so many people that could help him and never know the difference.

My Dad has never asked anyone for help, though he has helped a great number of people.

Due to MS he is constantly suffering from Loss of balance, Slurred speech, Muscle spasms, Extreme fatigue, Problems swallowing, Tremors, Trouble breathing, Depression, Hopelessness, Bowel and
Bladder dysfunction, Muscle weakness, Memory problems, Trouble making decisions, Visual disturbances and he is always in a lot of pain.

Because my father has MS and we have lived and seen firsthand how hard life can be. My sister Cassie and I have recently started a charity called Hoping Help at www.HopingHelp.com that is focused on not only helping individuals, but families as well. For people that have no hope. Because we are not the only ones that are suffering, we know that there are a lot of people and family’s in the US that are in need of help too.

Over 36,000 people commit Suicide a year in the US alone. The

#1 reason given for this lack of hope is health problems. It is the 11th leading cause of death in the US. This is what happens when someone runs out of hope. We can all help restore hope to the hopeless through giving financially, a portion of our time, or by using our skills or profession.

My sister and I have started this charity organization because we don’t believe that people should ever get to a point in their life were they feel so hopeless that they take their own life. We live in the United States of America. The land of the free and the home of the brave. The land of opportunity, where all men are created equal. The land of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. America is the 3rd largest country in the world. The countries that people from around the world look up to and aspire to be like.

On average, one suicide occurs every 17 minutes in the US. For every one suicide, 6 people’s lives are immediately affected. Our country would be a lot more productive if people that are sick and in pain could get relief.

The estimated population of the United States is 312 million people.

Number of people unemployed: 24 million.

U.S. National Debt projects to be $15.476 trillion.

Biggest budget item (Medicare/Medicaid): $823.1 billion and rising.

2nd is Social Security: $715.7 billion and rising.

America gives out more than $58 billion a year in foreign assistance.

Now if only 1/3rd of the people in the US gave $5.00 a month to this cause it would come to over $518 million dollars a month and
over $6 billion dollars a year.

We believe that America, not the government of America, but the people of America, have the ability to save America. Each person has the power to make a difference, to change the world for the better. When most people see “Over 36,000 people commit suicide a year in the US” they just see a number, but it isn’t just a number.

If we would only take the time to see these people as people, as someone husband, wife, father, mother, brother, sister, daughter or son. You hold their life in your hands.

As Ronald Reagan once said “We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.”

I believe that when we are brought into this world, we are born with the desire to help our fellowman. You just have to do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

We ask people to help others by donation to
www.HopingHelp.com. We work very hard to try and help our father and others to continue to be able to go on living. Because there is a big difference between being alive and living. We appreciate whatever support that people can provide.

I know that I can't help everyone, but I know that everyone can help someone. I believe that people can change the world for the better, but we can’t wait for someone else to start changing the world for us.

You have to do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

That is the meaning of change.
Holly Hopkins

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