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Live-in Caregiver 2

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After you've gone through your list and interviewed all the applicants, conducted thorough background checks, and made the decision on the person you want to hire, comes the actual hiring. In offering the job, you should present a formal, written job offer. Include everything you are offering in exchange for what they will be doing. This will avoid any confusion later.

Click here to read one woman's journey of MS 

You will both sign a work agreement that outlines job requirements, salary, benefits, hours, living arrangements, if there are any house rules, what will and won't be covered as part of the live-in arrangement. For example, will you pay for phone , internet access, or food. Having a clear agreement will insure that everyone knows from the beginning what is expected.

As far as payment, if you hired through an agency, you will not be the legal employer. You will pay the agency and they will pay the caregiver. If you did the hiring yourself, you are the legal employer. You will need to set up a payroll and benefits for your employee. You'll need an employer identification number for the IRS. You'll need to contact your state department to make sure you are doing everything necessary when it comes to you as an employee.

There are payroll companies that specialize in household employment services and they could help you with any financial legalities when it comes to hiring a live-in caregiver. 

This may seem like a lot of information to have to learn about. When it is as sensitive as someone who will be living with you and performing personal activities such as bathing, for someone you love, you want to feel as comfortable as possible around the person you ultimately hire. That is why it's best to do as many interviews as you can until you feel you have the person who is right for your situation.

live-in caregiver

As careful as you have been in taking all the right steps to choose a live-in caregiver you feel is right, the arrangement still may not work out. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees. People can be deceptive, showing one face during the hiring process, and once hired, you see the real person shine through.

Probationary period?

If you've put a probationary period in the agreement, so much the better. Most people are trustworthy, and given the chance will prove it to you. After the caregiver has been on the job for awhile, and shown you their good qualities, you can relax and feel confident that you've made a good choice.

If after reading this article you feel that this is too much of a commitment to enter into, why not try hiring more than one caregiver. They can rotate around the clock to give care for your husband as needed. It will also be a whole lot easier to find and hire part-time caregivers such as this. Finding someone who has no other commitments and can devote their life to a live-in position may prove very difficult.

If you really need this type of arrangement, it is possible to find someone. It just may take you awhile to find the perfect candidate. 

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Cir & Akrista

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