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"Life Is Good"

by Debbie Borrelli
(Clementon NJ USA)

When I was first diagnosed, 21 years ago, I thought my life was over. It was very hard to deal with the MS having a toddler and a husband at home. I went through some very rough times. Spending 3 1/2 yrs. in a hospital bed in my home (around 2001). I was also hospitalized 37 times for various other problems.

We lost our home in 2005 because of the cost of medical co-pays, docs, etc. Please don't feel sorry for me.... I got into a different frame of mind, pulled myself up and wanted a "normal" life. I worked very hard!

Got out of the hospital bed, started exercising and thinking about life.... I wanted to make the best of my life no matter what. After I was strong enough, I got a part time job working in a deli in 2006, and I'm still there today! Take one day at a time and be confident in yourself.

"Life Is Good"

Debbie Borrelli

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Nov 09, 2011
by: Akrista

I agree - Life is Good, Debbie! Thanks for such an inspirational contribution. I'm sure others will find it the same even if they are not able to fully get back to the way they were initially. Every bit of progress is a step forward.

Thanks so much for adding your story!


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