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Interesting and helpful interview

by Laura Mori
(Firenze, Italia)

I already knew Angela and Keith, and much of their story, but anyhow I found this interview very interesting and helpful as it is so clear and well organized. A good interviewer and a good interviewed!

I've been very touched by Angela's message: Please, don’t ever give up and continue believing that a cure is on it’s way…

Thank you for finding this way to live with MS,

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Feb 16, 2012
Couple Life after MS
by: Anonymous

I read your question about finding someone who could handle being a part of someone's life after MS diagnosis. I believe that someone who cares enough about a person would never turn their back on them. I was once a caregiver to my wife who was diagnosed with the worst type of brain cancer possible.

I stood by her at 26 yrs old and took care of her for 2 yrs before the cancer took her from me. I had many long sleepless nights caring for her. I would do it all over again and never think twice. It's now been 3 yrs since she's passed away and I was introduced to an amazing woman who was diagnosed with Relapsing Remitting MS.

She told me on our first date and said she expected me to run. I proved her wrong and would never turn my back on her. I have grown to love this woman and even though I know it could progress, I will take care of her to the best of my ability. I would take it from her in an instant.

I know it seems hard but no one wants to be alone, what I'm getting at is do not give up on finding love. There is a person out there who will give their heart and soul no matter what may happen.

Apr 30, 2009
Some Personal Echoes
by: Laura Mori

Dear Angela and dear Akrista,
Thank you for your comments.
I've been quite interested by the interview and by this site and I would like to share with you some of mine feedback thoughts.

I was very interested to the part of the interview where Akrista asks Angela if she has had some symptoms before diagnosis:
I've thought so many times to that!

I had my MS diagnosis in 1997, when I was 47, so when I was in my middle age. It took only few months and the "ritual" exams (MRI etc.) for the diagnosis, that means it has been very quick. I had no idea of having a neuro-degenerative disease, I though I had an orthopedic problem on my left feet.

But retrospectively I can remember that I've had several "queer" disturb, such as a big fatigue, intolerance to heat, difficulty in walking, diplopia.... Now I suppose "it" began around 1980-81....

I think that it has been better so, because there were so few treatments on that time, no hope at all, that an MS diagnosis could probably be only an un-useful shock, but of course I'm not sure...
Should it be better to know to have a chronic disease instead of thinking to be a lazy person, always tired and unwilling to do things?
Who knows?

Another shocking idea is that in a certain period of my life (around 18-20 years old) MS has represented for me too one of the most awful and feared disease, than I forgot about it...

Another topic I would like to discuss, even if I don't have a personal experience of it, is the couple life after the MS diagnosis of one partner. I'm single and since before diagnosis I had to choose to be single after a long bad couple experience, and I think that I'll remain single, my "caregivers" are my (old) parents, what happens with a partner?


(Want to read my answer to Laura? Click here.)

Apr 28, 2009
Mia cara Laura...
by: Angela

Dear Laura,

Being your friend is very special to me and spending time with you in Firenze last year is a memory that I store in my heart and that I keep alive every time I think of you, every time we write to each other and when we talk on the phone.

I am glad to read that you found this interview interesting and I am glad that I didn't bore you too much asking you to read what you know already so well!! :)

We will never give up, dear Laura, right?
MS will not win and we will never stop keeping the hope alive and doing our best to live the life that was given to us!

I will be there to cheer you up and to help you smile...and we will always remember than a cure is just around the corner...


con tanto affetto


Apr 28, 2009
A Wonderful Couple
by: Akrista

Thanks, Laura!

I'm so glad you enjoyed the interview. I enjoyed doing it and learning more about Angela and her husband. They are a very neat couple.

I hope everyone with MS can follow her advice about never giving up, as well as maintaining the same positive attitude she has.


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