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Independence and Hydration

by Mark Moran

Hydrate for Health

Hydrate for Health

Helping with independence and staying hydrated.

Apologies for what may seem like an advertisement but I thought you might like to know about an idea that I developed as a result of having a serious spinal operation. It is making a real difference to people around the world so I’m trying to tell as many places as possible where it may help.


    “Simply Brilliant & Brilliantly Simple”
    ~Helping with MS

    “Hi Mark, My husband who has MS and is very severely disabled thinks the Hydrant is the greatest invention ever! I have to help him with it but it saves me getting up several times in the night to give him a drink as all the medication makes him so thirsty. We also have a lot of carers and community nurses in and out and they also have shown an interest."
    ~Regards Ina Munro

    “I think the Hydrant must be one of the best things ever invented for disabled people. I care for a relative who is almost completely paralysed with MS and was constantly calling on me for drinks, because the medication she takes dries out her mouth. She is now able to reach the tube and drink when she wishes. Many thanks for the extra time you have given to me."
    ~Dave Hinxman

It is often said that the best ideas are the simplest – and here is a perfect example of that statement. Hydrate for Health Ltd has invented an incredibly simple, low cost, solution to the problem of being able to easily access drinks when bed bound and unable to move without discomfort - The Hydrant Personal Drinking System.

Based his own experience following spinal surgery, where it was impossible to get a drink without calling for help, Mark Moran decided to develop a solution to the problem. Taking an idea from hydration equipment used by athletes The Hydrant is a one litre bottle with a very clever handle/clip/top that easily attaches to a bed, wheelchair, day chair, car seat and many other places.

A tube goes into the bottle and the user simply gets hold of the tube and sucks the liquid through. It gives users independent drinking at any time of the day or night and is having a huge impact in reducing the incidence of dehydration in many different areas.

The Hydrant is in use across the world and is making a real difference to people’s lives both in the community as a whole and inside many hospitals. It is working particularly well for conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, Motor Neurone Disease, Cerebral Palsy, para- and tetraplegics. It is proving invaluable for new mothers during birth, afterwards in recovery and then at home whilst breastfeeding – particularly for those who have had a Caesarean Section where The Hydrant should be a ‘must have’ item for the benefits it brings.

It is being very successful in helping spinal injuries patients in places such as Stoke Mandeville Hospital and other specialist spinal units and is also being used extensively to help injured servicemen during their rehabilitation at Headley Court.

But please don’t take our word for it – have a look at what people are saying about the results they are getting by going to: Hydrate for Health - Testimonials. (Opens in a new window).
Contact: www.hydrateforhealth.co.uk Info@hydrateforhealth.co.uk 07808 169601
Purchase online: Hydrate for Health - Shop (Opens a new window).

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Cir & Akrista

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