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I Have used Copaxone

by Beth Levy
(Tristate, USA)

Since May 2001 - Successfully

and since my neurologist empowered me to decide which drug I would prefer (due to the fact that at the time I was of child-bearing years), and after reading all the collateral that came with the ABC drugs, I chose Copaxone because, as a working woman I don't have the time to recover from the Avonex injection and who can remember anything 3x/week.

Copaxone seemed to be the right choice for me. Also - the fact that Copaxone is amino acid/protein-based seemed a better choice in that it seemed the more natural choice as opposed to the ingredients (chemicals) of the other drugs.

I also get an infusion 1x per 25 days (based on my menstrual cycle) of Privigen - an IVIG gamma globulin "booster" that I cannot go without. (I once did and almost had an exacerbation).


Hi Beth,
That's a good way of coming up with a solution to which treatment is best for you. You looked at all the options and how each one related to your situation as a future mom.

You looked at the practicality for you - what you would be comfortable with. That's also a good way to deal with the symptoms of your MS as well.

Also, I've never heard of Provigen. Is it just for women - you said it was based on your cycle. I'll have to check that out.

Thanks for your contribution.
Take care,

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Mar 04, 2012
by: Anonymous

I am infused every 25 days based on menstrual cycle because my period sucked all the life force & energy out of me. Privigen used to give me more of a boost and now not so much.

However, my body can't be without it or I will experience an exacerbation. It is gamma globulin - not sure what that is exactly but you should investigate it. It has helped me so much.


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