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Vince Smith and Annette Funicello

by Peter Yonkers
(Orlando, Fla.)

I am a huge fan of these two fabulous entertainers. I followed Annette since the Mickey Mouse Club and Vince Smith since he sang "My Annette".

I am on you tube so much listening to the songs these great people recorded, and this site on "Life In Spite Of MS" is truly great. I believe there should be so many other sites about these two fantastic people.

They are both also very strong people having MS. Any fan of these two people should give towards the Annette Funicello Research Fund For Neurological Diseases. God Bless you both.


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Vince Smith & Annette Funicello

by Tracey Linebugh
(Orlando, Fl.)

These two celebrities are simply the greatest. From the first time I heard "My Annette" I was hooked on Vince Smith and Annette.

I am so sorry to hear that they have MS, it is an awful disease that we should get together and help find a cure. I suggest starting out by contributing to Annette's MS Research Fund.

I like this page about Vince and Annette, they are both terrific singers and she was a fantastic actress.


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My Annette and My Life

by Bill Calderon
(Shippensburg, PA.)

The song is so beautiful that it belongs with Annette. She always has and always will be so beautiful. I visit any site I can find regarding her. In 2006, I came down with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. But don't cry for me. As long as I have Annette inspiring me, I'm fine.


Hi Bill,
It is very good when you can find someone in your live who inspires you. If that person helps you make it through each day with a smile in your heart and on your face, then life is worth living. Especially when you have a progressive form of multiple sclerosis.

Here is another video where she is singing "Softly It's Love" or is it "Softly My Love". Hope you like it as well.

I won't cry for you because I know your attitude is a positive one. That doesn't meant that things don't get difficult sometimes. They do, but you can make it through those times and come out on the other side stronger.

Take care,


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Annette and Vince

by Dan
( Clearwater, Fl.)

God Bless both you wonderful entertainers. I have been a fan of both of you for a long time. My sister was diagnosed with MS 10 years ago.

Annette was a great actress and so pretty. Vince was a great singer, at least I think so. I have all your records Annette and all your CD's Vince. I still like hearing your songs on You Tube.

God Bless you both, we all have to come together and find a cure for this dreadful disease.

This is a great site.


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