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Ciao Angela!!!

by Regina

Flowers 4 Angela

Flowers 4 Angela

Volevo farti un salutino e darti un appoggio , un supporto morale per questa tua nuova opportunità,
la ricerca!!!

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Apr 28, 2009
Sei la mia dolce reginetta!
by: Angela

Carissima Regina,

quale piacere e`l'essere tua amica!

I feel so blessed because I was able to meet the sweetest and most giving person in the world!
You opened your heart and your life to me and you simply took me in!

You became the manager and a wonderful supporter of Flowers 4 MS by creating videos about my project (with your sweet 12 year old cousin Silvia) and you have been a great help selling my cards in your little Italian town in the region of Lombardia. I thank you for being such a special friend, for helping raise funds for MS research and for always finding a way to make me smile...

Thank you, dear Regina.

Ti voglio bene,


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