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Mar 07, 2011
We Don't Do Bee Stings
by: Akrista

Hi Samuel,

The person we talked to and Cir received the therapy from was Donald Downs of Wellington, Ohio. I searched for Donald Downs address, but couldn't find it. Maybe you'll have better luck. We don't do the bee stings or bee venom therapy. I'm not sure what Kris Gaughan told you, but we don't do the bee stings. We don't know him/her, at least we don't remember them.

I'm also not sure what "European" honey bees have to do with anything, either - there may be a difference, but I doubt it. Maybe someone else will know and can post about that.

As far as your cold, you can take extra vitamin C, D3, and olive leaf extract, if you want to take the natural route. If you have MS, you shouldn't take echinacea, if not, you could try that as well. Also, any of the homeopathic remedies seem to help. If you've had the cold for two weeks, you are probably near the end of it. We all recently had colds that lingered well past the two week mark (sniffles and coughing).

Hope these suggestions help and sorry we couldn't help you with the bee stings.


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