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Comments for Annette's husband

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Aug 18, 2011
we love annette
by: Anonymous

i think you sould let her fans see her. it might help. she is well loved. most of us were rasied up watching her on mickey mouse club show. we hope she gets better. all my love a big fan.

Feb 14, 2010
by: Mike

Vince Smith is doing as good as he can be, he has his good days and bad, just like Ms. Funicello. Vince and Annette have no contact with each other anymore since they both aren't doing well. Annette receives so much fan mail and cards that it is impossible for her family to read everyone of them to her. However, when she is feeling up to it they do read her mail to her. Annette has round the clock nursing care.

Fans can hear his song "MY ANNNETTE" a song as you may know was dedicated to his idol and friend Annette Funicello by going on Clip Shack and typing in Annette Funicello. His songs with his partner Carol are under Vince Smith.

You can e-mail Vince at VS2009@Tampabay.rr.com his e-mails do get answered by his wife.

All information about Annette and Vince have been told to me by Vince's wife Lorraine.


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