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Angela, you are great!

by Mark
(United States of America)

I have corresponded with Angela on YouTube for a couple of months and I believe she may be one of the kindest people I have ever interacted with.

This website and Angela's dedication to raising money for MS awareness and research is a testament to Angela's personality.

She will lift her life above illness and not allow it to change her.
Her optimism is apparent and it was obvious to me after emailing her a couple of times that she has a beautiful soul.

It was very enjoyable for me to read more about Angela's life and how much she loves her family in America and Italy.

My wife's name is Angela (she is also Italian-American) and Angela Sergio Cleary was the first to comment on a YouTube video of a song that I wrote for MY Angela. It was from that moment that I knew I would have a lasting friendship with this complete stranger on YouTube.

It is not just through Flowers 4 MS that she impacts the multiple sclerosis community, but through her kind and empathetic interactions with other sufferers. She is a kind and supportive friend to people who are looking for someone to talk to about the illness and share experiences with.

Angela is OUR ANGEL in hamburger shoes who makes us smile when we are having a bad day. Isn't that what being human is about?

A kind word from a stranger went a long way to inspiring me to become an MS activist.

Thank you, Angela!

Mark (irishbear76)

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Apr 27, 2009
Thank you!
by: Angela

Dear Mark,

I am so touched by your kind comment and it makes me so happy to hear that you have decided to become an MS activist!
How wonderful to know that we can all touch each other's lives in such a special way!

Thank you for sharing this with me. I so truly appreciate it and I am so very thankful for taking the time to share your feelings with all of us!
I am also happy that you appreciate my hamburger shoes!!! :)

Take good care,



Apr 27, 2009
A Beautiful Soul
by: Akrista

Thank you, Mark!

I love this description of Angela - "a beautiful soul". I have only just met her this last month and I feel that she has such a big heart which is able to encompass so many.

What a wonderful relationship you have. You and your wife, Angela, have made a wonderful lifetime friend in her.


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